Regina BRandão-Haynes



​This is a chance for you to discover if I am the right doula for you: both my personality and my experience. During this meeting you may have several questions you want to ask me about my training, philosophy and the services I provide. I am enthusiastic about giving you all the information you need to choose the doula that is right for you.


​If, after our consultation, you think I am the right doula for you we will schedule 1-2 prenatal meetings to discuss your birth plan and generally become more acquainted with one another.  Partners are welcome at all prenatal meetings! It's encouraged so I can get to know and help support him/her as well.


​Between visits, if you have any questions or concerns pertaining to your pregnancy, you are welcome to contact me via phone or email.


I will be there from the time you feel you need me until 1-2 hours after the baby is born. I am on-call for you 24/7 starting at 37 weeks. My job is to meet your needs during labor. I do this by helping your partner show you relaxation and pain coping techniques, running interference with visitors, filling everyone's basic needs (food, drinks, bathroom breaks, etc), helping you acquire additional information about interventions if they become necessary, and generally just making sure your labor and birth go as smoothly as possible. If you don't have a partner or your partner is not going to be involved with the birth, you can expect that I will give you all the one-on-one support you need.


After the birth of your baby, I will visit with you within 3-5 days. This is a great opportunity for us to discuss your birth, troubleshoot breastfeeding or baby care issues, or just hang out and admire your precious little one(s).


For the services outlined above, please contact 917-939-4380.


Hours, schedule, and services will vary with your needs. Postpartum supports could include: 

Continuous physical and emotional support (listening to your birth story, your fears/frustrations/concerns, observing your postpartum recovery, etc.)

Baby care education and support (assist in bathing, feeding, comforting the baby, cutting baby's nails, organizing the nursery/your home, etc.)

Breastfeeding or supplementing support

Preparing simple, nutritious meals

Maintaining simple housework (laundry, vacuuming, emptying garbage, straightening up the house, dust, dishes, etc.)

Watching the baby and/or older children so Mom/Dad/Partner can rest

​Postpartum Care, $40/hr. (4 hour minimum)

​Package 1:  4 postpartum visits (16 hours) - $600
Package 2:  6 postpartum visits (24 hours) - $900
Package 3:  8 postpartum visits (32 hours) - $1200